#1599 - The Last Emperor (1987). Which was very good. An enjoyable, huge, sprawling epic. A compelling portrait of a man who never actually has any power, over a country or even his own life, ever. Great performances. Peter O'Toole, of course, is always great.

#1600 - Toy Story 3 (2010). Why is it that i can see the most depressing, heartwrenching adult movie and never cry, but once per Pixar Movie, I start to tear up a little? A lot of fun. It feels genuinely in the spirit of the series and not like an attempt to cash in on old successes, so many sequels and remakes lately do. It's also surprisingly dark for a kids movie.

#1601 - House of Games (1987). A good psychological thriller, and David Mamet's directorial debut. It's one of those classic "An innocent person gets drawn into the criminal underworld" stories. And of course it's David Mamet, so thirty seconds in I said "Okay, who's conning who?" You know it's coming, but it's fun to watch the twists and turns that lead there.

#1602 - Zombieland (2009). Very entertaining, if not a great movie. I love the part with Bill Murray. I... don't really have much else to say about this one.

#1603 - Slacker (1991). This movie is so odd, but very interesting. It doesn't have a plot, or even a story. No character is in it for more than five minutes. It's just a series of conversations connected only by physical proximity. The participants in one will briefly interact with those having the next. Or even just pass them on the street. What really ties them together is that the vast majority of these people don't do anything except talk. No jobs. They just hang around and try to impress each other with their intelligence and original (read: pretentious) ideas. I say "conversations", but a lot of the time it's just one person monologuing at another. Frequently the second person tells them how full of shit they are. Like Linklater's next movie after it, Dazed and Confused (1993), which I love, this film captures a state of mind and a point in one's life.

#1604 - Le Corbeau (1943) A thriller from the French director Henri-Georges Clouzot. I tend to enjoy his work, and this is no exception. It's about a town being terrorized by a mysterious person calling themself "Le Corbeau"(The Raven), who is sending everyone slanderous letters about each other. It has a fun whodunit feel and has some fairly exciting bits, including a particularly tence sequence featuring a suspect fleeing an angry mob of townspeople.
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