Item #1: Lost Episode 6x08: Ab Aeterno

I've been waiting for a Richard episode since season three. Seriously, that character fascinates the crap out of me. I even rooted for his other show (Cane) to get cancelled so that Lost could do more with him.
Finally an episode that gives a legitimate big answer. We know what the Island is for! There's an answer to that! And it is appropriately grand and mystical. I approve.
So, back in the past, when Richard still had an accent and he met Jacob, why were they speaking english? Richard's english was broken, and he didn't seem comfortable with it. Jacob, on the other hand, is omniscient, and may be some sort of deity. Odds are he can probably speak multiple languages. So why couldn't he help the poor guy out and speak spanish? The answer: Jacob's a dick.
Also: a thought I had about last week's episode. So, what's in that locked room on the sub? Well, Widmore was heavily involved in trying to get everybody back to the island. There was just one major player who didn't go: Desmond. Maybe that's what Widmore brought back with him under lock and key?
Item #2: Community

A lot of people have been recommending this show to me. So I checked it out. Two days later I've now watched the whole season online. I really like it. It's cool to see Dan Harmon, the person I thought of as "the channel 101 guy", have a succesful show on actual TV. Which reminds me, I should make something to submit to that site.
The one thing I don't love about the show is Chevy Chase. He's fairly uneven, which is sad. I was watching some old episodes of Saturday Night Live. He used to be great.
Item #3: Dexter season 4

Not having Showtime, I never get to see this when it airs. I usually wait for the DVD to come out. But I just couldn't wait anymore.
This bit will contain some serious spoilers. sorry.
John Lithgow is the most terrifying man in the universe. What happened to you, Dick Solomon? Seriously, he's the crepiest person ever to appear inthis show. And this is a show about serial killers! Plural! He deserved that Golden Globe.
Then there's Rita. As soon as there was a tender love scene between her and Dexter in the season finale, in which everything was resolved between them, I got that sinking feeling in my stomach and knew what had to be coming. She was never my favorite character, but that death? I feel really bad for her two kids.
The show has now established an interesting pattern of killing of a major character at the end of every even numbered season. I guess I'll have to savor the next two seasons of Masuka.
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